[thelist] SOT: Document Management, Indexing and Search Application?

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Wed Jan 8 14:44:01 CST 2003


> From: Bob Haroche
> > how about coldfusion mx server enterprise with verity?
> Thanks for the suggestion. That was one of my first
> thoughts. I've never worked with verity but I'll check
> my Forta book on that chapter.

if you're already got cf experience, then verity would be a natural choice.

> > have you actually gotten this to work?  what i mean to
> > say is, have you gotten it to work so that it actually
> > uploads a file?
> Whoa, you scared me for a moment. Prior to posting the
> tip, I had only gotten the interface to work. Just now
> though I hooked that interface up to a simple perl
> upload script and, yes, the file was uploaded to the
> server.

ok, now i'm confused.  what os/browser combination did you test it in?
would you mind sending me the html you used for the interface so i can test
it locally (offlist preferably)?  maybe there's something different that you
did that is making it work.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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