[thelist] calling a php file and submitting a form?

Tom Dell'Aringa pixelmech at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 8 15:16:01 CST 2003

--- Mike Migurski <mike at saturn5.com> wrote:
> Why not have the handler form do both - handle the submission, and
> do
> whetever else it is you need to do? I can't think of any situation
> where
> you may need to do something that unconventional, but maybe some
> more
> details about the problem you're trying to solve would hlp.
> Short answer: no, form submissions can only go to one place.

See my other post for my answer on why. So I can't do two
submissions... but I could essentially deal with the form once by
submitting it to itself (page) then changing the action?


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