[thelist] calling a php file and submitting a form? (send POS T vars in PHP?)

Wed Jan 8 16:29:01 CST 2003

This might help you out (link taken from the php manual)
An example to send POST data using fsockopen can be seen here:

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Dell'Aringa [mailto:pixelmech at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 1:53 PM
To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
Subject: Re: [thelist] calling a php file and submitting a form? (send
POST vars in PHP?)

--- Mike Migurski <mike at saturn5.com> wrote:
> Shawn's method is better - do whatever you need to do in PHP, and
> then
> generate a POST or GET request from within PHP. GET is easier of
> course,
> so use that if the remote script supports it. POST shouldn't be too
> difficult though. (I say this never having done it before :)

Well, I can't use GET since cart.bok wants POST and I can't change
it. (If it was GET I'd have other options too).

I actually tried doing an HTTP post from an intermediate page with no
success, and I'm not keen on spending a ton of time on that.

I have however submitted the form to the same page, then picking up
on the submit name (submit=add to cart) I pop into an if clause.

>From there I used header("location: cart.bok"); which sent me right
there..which is great. Now I just need to send the POST vars along
with it. Here is my block:

$submit = $_POST["submit"];
$all_other_vars = $_POST['others'];

if($submit == "Add To Shopping Cart")
   header("Location: /Cart.bok");

This works... but is there a way to send the POST vars this way to
cart.bok? I suppose I could actually write a file using fputs() with
the info, but not sure if I could submit that file to cart.bok...


var me = tom.pixelmech.webDeveloper();

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