[thelist] A Helpful DNS tool

Jake Aust jake at lovejoycreative.com
Wed Jan 8 19:23:00 CST 2003

Recently I was having major difficulties with sendmail where it was
rejecting one of my client's email. Everything she sent she me she got back.
It was making me crazy. The error was:

"451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address client at clientdomain.com does not

In trying to figure out why sendmail didn't like her domain, I stumbled upon
this tool:


It runs a comprehensive set of tests against the DNS setup of any domain. I
found the issue with her DNS and was able to intelligently explain to her
(and her ISP) why her mail was being bounced (Which was that the nameservers
listed at her domain are not answering as authoritative to her domain when

This tool and the others found here: http://www.dnsstuff.com/

Are very useful in finding out what's going on with DNS.

<tip type="DNS Tools" author="Jake Aust">
If you're having DNS difficulties, one great tool to try is
http://www.dnsreport.com/. This tool will help solve DNS issues that may be
affecting a domain. DIG is great if you know what you're doing, but DNS
Report finds some pretty nasty errors that are hard to find. It has helped
me more than once.

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