[thelist] best way to check for valid user/password in PHP

Tom Dell'Aringa pixelmech at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 9 13:27:01 CST 2003

I'm having a bit of trouble with checking vs. a valid username and
password in my PHP script. The password check seems to work but the
username check does not. Here is my code:

$result = @mysql_query("SELECT password, username FROM reguser WHERE
username = '$username'");

if(!$result) {
//print error

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$checkpass = $row["password"];
$checkuser = $row["username"];

if($username != $checkuser)
  $msg = "Sorry there is no user by that name...";
  header("Location: userentry.php?msg=$msg");

if($password != $checkpass)
  $msg = "Password incorrect...";
  header("Location: userentry.php?msg=$msg");

When I enter a fake username I don't get that error message, it skips
to the password message. I had tried using


to check to see if there were no rows returned for user, but if I do
that iI have to take the @mysql_query() function out of my query at
the top. If I do this, I can't pull my rows that I DO need if its
okay using $row = mysql_fetch_array($result), It seems I have to do
another query...which of course would not be right..i be confused..



var me = tom.pixelmech.webDeveloper();

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