[thelist] JS Cookie problem - more info!

Tom Dell'Aringa pixelmech at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 13:50:07 CST 2003

Ok, figured something out! Again, what I am doing is looking for a
few cookies within my cookie string. These cookies start with "pid"
and have a number after them, like:


Because I don't know how many might be in a cookie, or what the
values are, I figured I would run through a loop to the highest
number pid could be, and check for each one.

So - my code to do that was this:

pidMaxValue = 200;

for(x=1; x<=pidMaxValue; x++)
  labelTest = "pid" + x;
  thisCookie = getCookieData("pid" + x);

So, I am testing every value up to 200, calling the function each
time like: getCookieData("pid1") through getCookieData("pid200").

Now - HERE is the problem: In my getCookieData() function, it
searches for the label name of the cookie based on LENGTH:

function getCookieData(labelName)
   var labelLen = labelName.length;

   //actual test cookie data below
   var cookieData = "mode=43%3Ahershelr; pid110=5; pid111=1;
Login=2fc109d9262cd534eea2311af95715b006; pid107=1";

   var cLen =  cookieData.length;

   while(i < cLen)
      var j = i + labelLen;
      var searchString = cookieData.substring(i,j);

      if(searchString == labelName)
         //matched cookie, get cookie info stuff etc.

Running a test file I found the problem: When "pid111" is present,
and the function takes the parameter "pid1" we get a MATCH at
pid111..why? Because the cLen (length of the cookie) is only 4 not 6!
So when it comes across:

3Ahershelr; pid110=5; pid111

in the cookie string, it sees pid1 as part of pid110 (or 111) and
matches it! DOH. This means I will get various returned bad values,
and I won't really be able to tell them from the real ones.

I would make the cLen always 6, but it ISN'T always 6. Any ideas? Is
there maybe a way to bread out the string between pid and the = sign
instead? Runnin on empty ideas here!


var me = tom.pixelmech.webDeveloper();

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