[thelist] http://1stpc.org/contact/ and Netscape

Timothy J. Luoma luomat at operamail.com
Sun Jan 12 19:51:02 CST 2003

Someone told me that they were using Netscape 7 and could not enter a
message in the contact form at http://1stpc.org/contact/

I've tried it myself and it seems to work fine.

The page validates at XHTML 1.0 strict.

Any ideas what could cause the problem?


ps -- this is for a friend of mine who dumped Netscape 4 to view the site
in question, so I want to try and find the answer for him ;-)

Timothy Luoma <luomat at operamail.com>
30 Days to Becoming an Opera (6) Lover http://tntluoma.com/opera/lover/
(an Opera7 version will follow once it is officially released)
Opera Etc Blog: http://tntluoma.com/beyond30

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