[thelist] zope: a few questions

george donnelly list at zettai.net
Mon Jan 13 17:16:01 CST 2003

[Chris W. Parker]
> i would love to but i could not find a file i thought was the startup
> script. the only one i found was called start.bat but it didn't seem
> like the file you were after. i will include it's contents anyway.
> (+ indicates wrap)
> "C:\Program Files\intranet\bin\python.exe"
> + "C:\Program Files\intranet\z2.py" -D %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

hmm, that's pretty funky. ;) I've never run Zope on Windows, only Linux and
Unix but here is my slightly sanitzed start script:


#! /bin/sh
reldir=`dirname $0`
INSTANCE_HOME=`cd $reldir; pwd`
export Z_REALM='zettai.net'

exec /usr/local/bin/python \
     /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/z2.py \
     -W xxx.xx.xx.xx:9800 \
     -w xxx.xx.xx.xx:8080 \
     -f xxx.xx.xx.xx:21 \
     -u username \
     -a xxx.xx.xx.xx \

xxx.xx.xx.xx being the IP address. -W startes the WebDAV server, -w the
webserver -f the ftp server.

gee, i hope this helps. you might find some good stuff for windows on

the plone project has an autoinstaller for windows which includes a zope
install but im not sure if it will turn on ftp for you.


george donnelly - http://zettai.net/ - "We Love Newbies" :)
Zope Hosting - Dynamic Website Design - Search Engine Promotion
Yahoo, AIM: zettainet - ICQ: 51907738 - e:george at zettai.net

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