[thelist] Multi-Part Forms

RUST Randal RRust at COVANSYS.com
Wed Jan 15 14:18:00 CST 2003

Chris Parker said:

> i see what you're saying! you were concerned with getting the
> first page variables all the way to the last page without
> using the session variable right? i get it.

Right, but I think I need to make something a little clearer.  If the user
had filled everything out, and it all validates, then they are forwarded to
the next page with via header('Location: nextpage.php'), which doesn't
attach the values to the query string (unless I explicity tell it to, which
I hadn't thought of).  So what I was doing to get around this was storing
them in the session.  Then on the last page, when the form is submitted, I
just pull the variables out of the session and put them into the database.

So if I change my function to header('Location:
nextpage.php?order=$order&amptype=$type$amp...and so on') I think I can pass
the values properly, but I'll have to use $_GET, not $_POST.

Randal Rust
Covansys, Inc.
Columbus, OH

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