[thelist] onClick="open problem

Hugh Blair hblair at hotfootmail.com
Wed Feb 5 06:57:01 CST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Liam Delahunty
> <snip>
> (This *is* on one line. I've used "~" to show that the
> line continues...)
> <a href="html/images/1014.html" title="Larger image"  ~
> target="view" onClick="open('html/images/1014.html',  ~
> 'view', 'width=420,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes,     ~
> resizable=yes')"><img src="/1014.jpg" border="0"></a>
> </end>
> Should that be window.open. Why bother with the onclick anyway.?

Made that change - does't fix it.

Here's the whole line from the source: (one line)
<a href="%%userFieldTwo%%" title="Larger image." target="view"
onClick="window.open('%%userFieldTwo%%', 'view',
'width=420,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes')">%%image%%</a>

The html output looks like this: (one line)
<a href="html/images/1014.html" title="Larger image." target="view"
onClick="window.open('html/images/1014.html', 'view',
'width=420,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes')"><img
src="picserve.cgi?picserve=/1014.jpg" border="0"></a>

A Perl script is generating the line and substituting the
variables at output time. I think this is the only way I
can get the "%userFieldTwo%" dynamically created. What drives
me nuts is that I can't even call the html file with a
direct link. Here it is:

Above is a cut from my FTP program when I'm in 'images'
Drat. I know the file is there! Still I get a 500 server
error when trying to access it.

> I always call an included function as it's reused

I would too, but I don't think it's possible to put it in the
Perl template like this and get a dynamically generated line.
What am I still missing?


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