[thelist] floated link images unclickable in Mozilla

Carl J Meyer cjmeyer at npcc.net
Thu Feb 6 23:50:54 CST 2003

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 11:43, Carl J Meyer wrote:
> I've got a couple images that are links, and I need them floated left.
> But anytime I try to float them (I've tried floating the <img>, floating
> the surrounding <a>, and enclosing the whole thing in a <span> and
> floating it) the links turn unclickable in Mozilla.

Well, nobody's jumping on this one, which is fine because I just solved
it... this is probably such an arcane case that nobody cares, but just
in case it edifies someone, here's the explanation:

I had a div (position: relative) just after my two float-left link
images, and within that div was another image set to float right.  Like

<span style="float: left">
<a href="/link1.html"><img src="link1.png"></a>
<a href="/link2.html"><img src="link2.png"></a>
<div style="position: relative">
<img src="other.png" style="float: right">

In Mozilla 1.0.1 the div (invisibly) stretches all the way to the left
side, and (transparently) "covers" the two floated images, making them
unclickable.  Changing the div itself to "float: right" fixes the
problem, as does unfloating the link images.

Hope this is someday useful to someone besides myself :-)


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