[thelist] js validation suggestions

Scott Brady evolt at scottbrady.net
Mon Feb 10 09:13:00 CST 2003

From: "Tom Dell'Aringa" <pixelmech at yahoo.com>
>I'm thinking there might be a better way to validate this instead of
>if((field == "") && (field == "") && (field == "") etc ad nauseum..)

One thing you can do is loop over the form fields.  Something like this:

-------- Begin code -----------
function validate(theForm)
     var filledYN = false;

     for (i=0; i<theForm.length; i++)
          if ((theForm[i].type == 'text') && (theForm[i].value.length > 0))
               filledYN = true;
          else if ((theForm[i].type == 'select') && (theForm[i].selectedIndex >= 0))
               filledYN = true;

     if (!filledYN)
          alert('Please select at least one criterion.');
     return filledYN;
-------- End code -----------

Oh, here's the form definition:
<form name="thisForm" action="whatever" method="post" onsubmit="return validate(this);">

That should do the trick.  I'm writing this off the top of my head, so you might want to verify that a selectbox does return a "type" of "select".

Hope that helps.

Scott Brady

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