[thelist] Basic CSS Question

Kae Verens kverens at contactjuggling.org
Tue Feb 18 02:57:01 CST 2003

Rachel Cunliffe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This is certainly a basic question but I couldn't find my answer easily
> on w3 or other such sites and it's late so my brain is slowing down :)
> I have an image to be aligned left, and in line with the *bottom* of the
> image, I have some text to be placed, aligned right.  I.e.
> +----------+
> |          |
> |          |
> +----------+                                              Text over here
> on the right
> I can't seem to get it working using CSS.. Any help gratefully accepted!

I'm assuming the text-wrap is intentional.

I guess a method that might work is this (assuming the image is 150x100
and the typable area is about 600px and you don't mind pixel-perfect stuff):


and in your HTML:
<img src="whatever.jpg" alt="whatever" width="150" height="100" />
<p>Text over here on the right</p>

Kae Verens               _______\_   webworks.ie
work: www.webworks.ie       _____\\__   webhosts
play: www.contactjuggling.org  ___\\\___  design
kae:  kverens.contactjuggling.org _\\\\____ code

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