[thelist] XHTML form radio button code not validating

.jeff evolt at jeffhowden.com
Thu Mar 20 00:12:02 CST 2003


> From: David Dorward
> <label style="margin-right: 3em;">Yes <input
>  type="radio" name="customquote" value="yes"
> checked="checked" tabindex="21" /></label>

i would highly recommend explicit binding of the <label></label> to the <input> rather than implicit like you have above.  not only is the browser support better, but it's more accessible for speech browsers.

<label for="customquote_yes"
       style="margin-right: 3em;">Yes</label> <input
 type="radio" name="customquote" id="customquote_yes"
 value="yes" checked="checked" tabindex="21" />



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