[thelist] [Site Review] Gemsnjewelry.com

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Mon Jun 23 00:37:32 CDT 2003


> From: Tom Dell'Aringa
> I can verify the jumpy border in IE6/win as well. Seems
> to happen only when I size the window smaller. In fact,
> the whole 'square' breaks down completely at that point.
> In NS7 its a bit worse:
> http://www.pixelmech.com/test/gjNS7.gif

yeah, that's the min-width stuff coming into play.

i've taken it out cause it causes inconsistency.

> Curious why you have separate IE style sheet... (saw
> the different values, just wonder why)

old habits die hard.

> My quess is box model trouble with your widths and
> putting it all together. Also noticed  you are using
> min-width which isn't fully supported.

yeah, though i've just pulled that from styles.css.

> You've got the same "jumpy" rollover problem as well
> that I had on my site when I used your JS preloader.
> This is in both IE6 and NS7 in winXP. It's like the
> images aren't truly preloaded or something. I posted
> this to the list awhile back without any resolution.

yeah, but i'm not using scripting at all here.

> Anyway, it takes a moment for the rollover image to
> load, so you get a blank purple block. Occasionally,
> the image doesn't come back at all.  Reloading the page
> fixes that problem. Also, sometimes the image seems to
> have the gold border up on top for a moment, an odd
> effect.  Couldn't snap it tho in a ss, too quick.

yeah, i noticed that in moz/nn7 as well.  the reason for the slow load is
that the rollovers are done with css and i haven't found a good way to
preload things yet.

> Might want to run your pages through a validator - found
> an image with no ending tag: (might be a repeated back
> end error)

fixed, thanks.

> Note, with XHTML, you can specify your borders globally
> in your CSS:
> IMG { border: 0; } (or try border-width)
> And remove the attribute from your code. Of course, if
> you are worried about some legacy browsers, don't do
> that - not sure what your concerns there are. I've been
> meaning to look into this myself...

yeah, but i really dislike the borders on linked images when you omit the
border attribute.  so, for older browsers i'd rather just leave it in.

> You've the typical "&" character occuring which needs to
> be encoded, both in text and in URLs.

damn crap legacy code.


i've scoured the site and made changes.  it all validates now.

> To me the whole "click here to return to home page"
> message is a bit gnarly, thats just me tho.

yeah, i fought that one tooth and nail a couple years ago (has it really
been that long?).  i lost that battle horribly.

> I would note that the pictures of the jewelry are of
> poor quality, but my guess is you have no control over
> that.

i'll make sure to not pass that info along.  ;p

actually, for the photography being a complete home-job, i think it's actual
ly quite good.  when selling on ebay it's all about keeping your costs to a
minimum.  if he's not having to pay a pro photographer then he makes more on
each item he sells.

i will admit that he messes with the photos a bit too much in photoshop for
my taste though.

> No shopping cart jeff!?!?! :)

yeah, all his sales are either on ebay or negotiated via email or phone (for
quantity orders).

> All in all, nice small pages. Get that box and rollovers
> fixed and yer there.

that's kinda what i thought, especially for about 8 hours total for the
overhaul, including a suite of administrative tools for managing all aspects
of his content.

got ideas on fixing those two problems?



Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
Resume - http://jeffhowden.com/about/resume/
Code Library - http://evolt.jeffhowden.com/jeff/code/

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