[thelist] [Site Review] Gemsnjewelry.com

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Mon Jun 23 01:15:03 CDT 2003


> From: Tom Dell'Aringa
> Forgot to comment on the CSS as well... Not sure if you
> were after Douglas Bowman's similar effects
> (http://www.stopdesign.com/) and I did notice some
> "unusual" use of CSS. I will say for small pages, the
> CSS is a bit lengthy.

yeah, that's the same thing i'm doing here, though this is the first time
i've heard/read about anyone doing anything quite like it.

if i didn't have to specify different widths for each of the nav items, it
would've been quite a bit shorter.  i'm not really too worried about it
though.  the largest css file is only 7kb.

> I'd say this part for the top:
> <div id="barTop">
>     <div id="barTopLeft"></div>
>     <div id="barTopRight"></div>
>     <div id="barTopClear"></div>
>   </div>
> Has some odd CSS attached. You have this:
> #barTopClear {
>   height: 1px;
>   width: 550px;
> }
> Without any clearing rules - am I just misreading the
> name? Confused about the purpose of that one.

yeah, it was originally intended for clearing.  then, i decided not to use
it for that, but to set a minimum width instead.  i could probably just pull
in entirely.

> Also:
> #barTopLeft {
>   display: inline;
>   float: left;
> #barTopRight {
>   display: inline;
>   float: right;
> Why are you floating inline elements?

those are the corner images.  how else do you propose getting the corners to
be out to the far left and far right like that?

> I'm also wondering about your use of a:focus - precious
> little info about how it works and how well supported
> is. Is this something that is critical to the use of the
> site?

a:focus is an accessibility thing.  keyboard surfing doesn't always fire the
hover state of links.  a:focus does.


Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
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Code Library - http://evolt.jeffhowden.com/jeff/code/

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