[thelist] Site Critique Please

Richard Bennett richard.bennett at skynet.be
Mon Jun 30 18:41:43 CDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh" <josh at eaccessit.com>
> Go to: http://ebaybidpro.com
> Thanks,
> Josh

Firstly the logo...
If you look at the original ebay logo, you'll notice the little (R)
registered trade-mark sign.
I would bet that ebay have indeed registered their logo, and will prosecute
anyone using it without permission.
I don't find the BIDPRO part of the logo looks good together with the
original ebay logo, but you might change the original ebay part to use the
same font as the BIDPRO part.

In fact, I think you'll want to get a lawyer to look over the site anyway,
you need proper disclaimers explaining exactly what you are guaranteeing.
You say: "Its easy and gaurenteed to work" Besides having three spelling
mistakes in that sentence, it also left me wondering what you would do if
the bid was not won... would you find a similar article for the same
price... or what?
You need proper privacy statements too.
Do you have indemnity insurance? You may need it if a software error/bugs
caused bids for wrong amounts, or wrong items.

I find the "powered-by" button a bit large compared to the rest, and it
links to a site that's down.

On the about.asp page...
The icon looks a lot like MS clipart, I'm not sure it improves the page.

In the second paragraph you say: "Bid Pro takes away the emotion"
Emotion is good, stress is bad.

 The "What is the catch?" paragraph is simply very bad copy.

On the contact page you say:
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Central Standard Time)
That might seem like you only place bids between these hours.

Still quite a bit of work to do I'd say, and I seriously wonder if it's
worth the risk you run to offer this free service.


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