[thelist] Finding the position of a relative DIV

Chris Evans chris at unhappyfun.com
Tue Jul 1 10:29:18 CDT 2003

Thanks, ppk, that seemed to work for me, but it led to other issues.  I 
am trying to write a javascript that I can plug into any html pagewith 
no modifications, and the JS will make the images draggable wihtout 
having to make any modifications to the HTML.

The problem I run into is that in order to modify the top and left 
attributes of an html element. that element has to be absolultely 
positioned.  My thought was to find the existing position of the image, 
and change the style on the fly to be absolutely positioned at that same 
location.  That works for the images, but it causes other html elements 
to shift on the page (tables collapse, relative postioned elements move 
around, etc).

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this? Impossible, perhaps?

Chris Evans

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