[thelist] ASP: object read only?

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Fri Jul 11 17:34:03 CDT 2003

At 02:23 PM 7/11/2003, Casey Crookston wrote:
>Anthony said:
> > Make sure the web server has rewrite access to the directory AND the
> > DB file.
>My reply:  How would I do this?  Developing on Win XP with IIS 5.1.

You need to make sure your IIS user (usr_<machine name>) have rights to 
write and edit the target file and the directory it lives in.

Following the directions from an earlier email - the IIS user account does 
not belong to the everyone group - so you need to add that explicitly.

>I understood everything up to your function... can you get me an English
>version of what this does?

You should ALWAYS escape any data that is being put into your SQL string. 
By escaping the ', you help remove a route for people to hack your program.

Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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