[thelist] quick css text layout float?

Boris Mann boris at bmannconsulting.com
Thu Jul 17 07:42:08 CDT 2003

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 08:29 AM, rudy wrote:

>> ... how else would I go about ...  the use of repeated DIVs (effects).
> oh, the possibilities...
> this would make a great article, but who has the time?
> ;o)

<snip />

Ummm....I think what was asked for was this:

<div><div class="big">My</div> dog has fleas.</div>

Benjer -- if you use "id" you can only use it once on any given page. 
Using "class" means you can use it in many different places.

As others have suggested, the DIVs aren't probably the right way to go:
<p><span class="big">My</span> dog has fleas.</p>

<p><big>My</big> dog has fleas.</p>

So, for styling, your stylesheet rules would look something like this:

/* anything that uses class="big" */
.big {


/* the <big> tag */
big {


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