[thelist] rentacoder.com

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Mon Jul 28 21:52:34 CDT 2003


> From: Ken Schaefer
> That said, if one wants to discuss economics, one really
> should read an Economics 101 text before one starts
> sprouting nonsense.
> [snip]
> In 1817 (that's also more than 200 years ago), [...]

and someone that's read an economics 101 text surely has been through math
101.  if they had, they'd surely know that 1817 was *not* more than 200
years ago, at least not for another 15 years anyway, unless of course you've
got your clock set ahead for some nefarious reason.  ;p

even though this was an excellent post, it is totally offtopic for this
list.  let this be the last post in this thread.

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on behalf of evolt.org

Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
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