[thelist] Tab Menu in Opera 7

Bill Creswell BillC at VanEerden.com
Tue Jul 29 07:06:07 CDT 2003

I have a tabbed menu that I currently use on www.vaneerden.com, with nested tables. I want to convert this to a simpler, css layout. I got it far enough to work in IE5 and IE6, and Moz 1.5, but in Opera, I only see one tab, and some of the corner images, in a messed up layout. N4 degrades acceptably.

I dropped this project last year. I finally learned enough to get it this far, but again I am stuck again.
Here is a sample tab:

<div id=firsttab class="tabhere" onmouseover="to(this)" onmouseout="th(this)" >
	<span class="leftimg"><img src="images/left.gif" width="8" height="20" ></span>
    <span class="leftlink"><a href="#">Home</a></span>
    <span class="leftimg"><img src="images/right.gif" width="8" height="20" ></span>

.tabhere {	BACKGROUND: green;COLOR: #ffffff;float:left;}
.tabnormal {BACKGROUND: gray; COLOR: #ffffff;float:left;}
.tabover {BACKGROUND: navy; COLOR: yellow;float:left;}

.tabhere A,A:visited {COLOR: white; TEXT-DECORATION: none}
.tabhere A:hover {COLOR: yellow; TEXT-DECORATION: none}
.leftimg {float: left;display:block; }
.leftlink {float: left;}
#firsttab {margin-left:10px;}

I would also be interested in centering the tabs.

Bill Creswell
Van Eerden Distribution
(616) 452-1426 Ext. 293

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Creswell 
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 2:38 PM
To: css-d at lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: What did I do to make my menu disappear in O7


I finally got it all happy in IE 5, IE6, and Moz, and degrade acceptably in N4. Now Opera 7 slaughters it. (I am sure my thing, not O7's, but I ignored 07 until the end, because it usually looks like moz.

I am also interested in what other browsers might do with it. 

Bill Creswell
Van Eerden Distribution
(616) 452-1426 Ext. 293

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