[thelist] [sql] location of conditional

Joshua Olson joshua at waetech.com
Mon Aug 4 21:07:11 CDT 2003

Hey SQL geeksters,

Assume 2 tables holding categories and items.  Assume item has a field
category_id which designates which category that item is in.  There are lots
of ways to query all the non-deleted products is a specific category, but
given the follow two versions, why/when would you want to prefer one over
the other?  (notice the location of the AND category_id = 5)

SELECT item.name
     , item.price
     , category.name AS category_name
FROM item
  JOIN category
    ON category.id = item.category_id
WHERE item.is_deleted = 0
  AND category_id = 5

---- or ----

SELECT item.name
     , item.price
     , category.name AS category_name
FROM item
  JOIN category
    ON category.id = item.category_id
   AND category_id = 5
WHERE item.is_deleted = 0

Thanks in advance.

Joshua Olson
Web Application Engineer
WAE Tech Inc.

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