[thelist] Rookie SQL Question... got it

Nan Harbison nansmith at heritageconcord.org
Sun Aug 17 05:44:19 CDT 2003

>WHERE m_id = m_id

I think you have to specify which m_id is which

WHERE menu_items.m_id = menu_type.m_id


-----Original Message-----

> 	$strSql = 'SELECT * ';
> 	$strSql .= ' FROM menu_items, menu_type ';
> 	$strSql .= ' WHERE m_id = m_id' ;
> 	$strSql .= ' WHERE menu_items.m_type = menu_type.m_type
> 	$strSql .= ' ORDER BY menu_items.m_type,
menu_items.m_sort ';

I made a rookie mistake!

Should read...

 	$strSql = 'SELECT * ';
 	$strSql .= ' FROM menu_items, menu_type ';
 	$strSql .= ' WHERE m_id = m_id' ;
 	$strSql .= ' AND menu_items.m_type = menu_type.m_type ';
 	$strSql .= ' ORDER BY menu_items.m_type,
menu_items.m_sort ';

That second WHERE in the fifth line. Should have been an

Thanks anyway.


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