[thelist] Bold vs. Strong

Chris Marsh chris at ecleanuk.com
Wed Aug 20 07:27:44 CDT 2003


> > > ... what's (again) the use of bold text with no meaning
> > implied to the
> > boldism?
> > 
> > meaning?  does there have to be meaning?  it's just bold
> Maybe I'm just wondering aloud, really.
> But whenever I see some bold I feel the person is trying to 
> communicate the importance of what's bolded.


> > how to define text that is only bold visually but has no emphasis?

If you embolden text for the sake of emboldening it, it strikes me as a
visual formatting issue and not a semantic one. Thus, perhaps one should
use <span style='font-weight:bold'></span> (or something) instead of
<b></b>? The other way to look at it would be - why would you wish to
embolden text for no reason? Wouldn't that be a little like writing
random WORDS in capital for no PARTICULAR reason? I'm being slightly
facetious, but I see too many (usually personal) websites with
emboldened or italicised text all over the place where it really has no
reason being.

$0.02 moe...


Chris Marsh

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