[thelist] forms and css

Bill Hughey billh at vioma.com
Mon Sep 8 16:46:13 CDT 2003

In reply to a question about forms and css I got several replies that showed how you would layout something like

<div> <label/>  <input/> <span/> <input/> <span/> >/div>

This involved 'floating' the first label to the left and specifying its width.  This made the rest line up nicely, however, my more difficult forms are of the form below.

input label input label
input label input label
input label input label

Css seems to have limited ablility to specify horzontal and vertical positioning such as tables gives you, without going the route of laying everything out as absolute positioned divs.

Any help would be appreciated.  Even if it is just a suggestion to stick with tables.

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