[thelist] spambot & javascript

John C Bullas jcbullas at nildram.co.uk
Tue Sep 23 09:36:16 CDT 2003

At 14:52 23/09/2003, you wrote:
 >> What's to stop the spamboot actually being a "browser", i.e. actually
running the javascript and seeing the rendered page?

Nothing. It's just a current "accepted fact" that they don't. Or at least
most of them don't. I think there is little doubt that this will soon
change. It's the classic "white hats vs. black hats" situation. We're
currently on round m of n, where n tends to infinity...

rendering would have the issue of bandwidth and download delay to contend 
with, it is a lot easier to recognise an elephant from a photo than travel 
everywhere with one as a reference!


-- Randy

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