[thelist] [php] array range check

kris burford kris at midtempo.net
Thu Oct 2 06:10:03 CDT 2003

hi all,

i've a php recursive function that is generating 2 random numbers (x and y 
positions). as each set of new random numbers are created i want to check 
(probably through an array) whether those numbers are within a certain 
range of previously generated co-ordinates (so that i can prevent overlap 
or change colour/size of points where there are multiple occurrences).

i'm having difficulty working out how to check the arrays.

i *think* it could be done like this but i'm not 100% sure that this is the 
best way - and as there could be a fair number of points being generated, 
it seems like a lengthy process

for ($i=0; $i<count($existingleft); $i++) {
if (($newleft+5 < $existingleft[$i]) && ($newleft-5 > $existingleft[$i]) && 
$newright+5 < $existingright[$i]) && ($newright-5 > $existingright$i])) {
   // then get new coordinates

any guidance would be welcome



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