[thelist] JS: formatting onclick and onfocus

Dunstan Orchard dunstan at 1976design.com
Wed Nov 12 05:15:30 CST 2003

Good morning!

I have another wee JS problemo: the following code works perfectly in Moz FB
0.6.1, but the 'onfocus' bit is not acted upon by IE or Opera:

<li onclick="var relatedParentItems = new Array('cmnt153');
setParents(relatedParentItems); var relatedChildItems = new Array('cmnt153',
'cmnt157'); setChildren(relatedChildItems);" onfocus="var relatedParentItems =
new Array('cmnt153'); setParents(relatedParentItems); var relatedChildItems =
new Array('cmnt153', 'cmnt157'); setChildren(relatedChildItems);">

And the W3C validator tells me:

there is no attribute "onfocus"

Am I coding this incorrectly?

Thanks for any help you can offer - Dunstan

Dorset, England

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