[thelist] dilemmas with php_self

Burhan Khalid thelist at meidomus.com
Mon Dec 8 04:17:45 CST 2003

Direcway wrote:

> A novice question here:
> I have a page with 2 drop down list boxes. One for states and one for
> cities.
> Selections made in the state list box accesses the database and populates
> the second drop down list box with cities.
> I'm using php_self as the form action to do this and everything works just
> fine ...
>         accept, I am unable to call the next page in the series after the
> user makes a selection in the second drop
>         down list.
> It seems that once I've used the ACTION=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'], I'm
> stuck with it and unable to access the next page using the action attribute
> for the second form control. I've tried a number of different modifications
> like using conditional if(s) to select for different form action attributes
> after the first selection is made without success. I guess I just don't
> understand what's going on here. What do I have to do to access the next
> page and successfully pass my variables for city and state?

A few ways you can approach this.

The javascript way :

   When the user selects from the second drop down, change the form's 
action attribute to wherever you want it to send, then append the values 
as a get request (action ="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 
?>?state=TX&city=Austin"). You can access the selected value of the 
dropdown using javascript and dom.

The PHP way :

   Create a session [ http://www.php.net/session ] and then load the 
variables into that session. If the both the variables have been loaded, 
then you can use header [ http://www.php.net/header ] to redirect to 
your next page.

( if you can post some code that you've been working with, that would be 
great )

Burhan Khalid
"Documentation is like sex: when it is good,
  it is very, very good; and when it is bad,
  it is better than nothing."

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