[thelist] Entry level tip....Generating HTML code for entries in 3rd party weblogs

John C Bullas jcbullas at nildram.co.uk
Mon Feb 16 04:15:01 CST 2004

<tip type="Generating the HTML code for entries in 3rd party weblogs "
author="John Bullas">

If you keep a weblog but do it on someone elses webspace you might be able
to use HTML tags but not FTP the code to the server like with your own 
So use the WYSIWYG functionality of packages like Dreamweaver to generate 
the HTML
and cut and paste it from the 'view source' .. to your weblog.
BUT do beware, if you use external image references* your authoring package 
tag these as 32x32 (or equally small size) images, edit this out.... along 
the head and body tags...

*load the image you want to use for your weblog in your browser and copy and
paste the URL as your authoring packages "image location"

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