[thelist] [XSL] Which is a better test?

Mark M mark at safefrombees.com
Sun Mar 14 18:29:21 CST 2004

Hey all - got an XSL question for you.

In my app I have a XML file that defines my site architecture with a 'section' element.
Each section element has a optional 'display' property that controls if it is displayed in the 
navbar or not.

If @display='true' it displays
If @display='false' it doesn't display
and if there is no @display, it DOES display. (So default value is true)

The question is - which is a better way to remove the @display='false' sections via XSL - 

is it:
<xsl:template match="section[@display='false']>

<xsl:template match="section">
    <!-- draw nav bar !-->


<xsl:template match="section">
   <xsl:if test="string-length(@display)=0 or @display!='false'>
          <!-- draw nav bar !-->

Both work - but just curious as to which one people find 'cleaner'.



mark at safefrombees.com
ICQ: 3094740
Safe From Bees
[ www.safefrombees.com ]

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