[thelist] removing the www. from my urls

Dunstan Orchard dunstan at 1976design.com
Fri Mar 19 04:34:45 CST 2004

Hi there,

Does anyone know of any .htaccess code I can use to remove the www. from 
my urls?

I did try this:

# remove the www from url
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.1976design\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://1976design.com/$1 [R=301,L]

from the guys at:

And while it worked for my homepage, it failed to rewrite anything 
beyond that. So if someone came directly to:

Nothing changed.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much,

- Dunstan

Dorset, England
play: http://1976design.com/blog/
play: http://webstandards.org/
work: http://nsca-lift.org/

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