[thelist] removing the www. from my urls

s t e f evolt at nota-bene.org
Fri Mar 19 06:41:07 CST 2004

<quote who=' Dunstan Orchard'>
> Hi there,
> Does anyone know of any .htaccess code I can use to remove the www. from
>  my urls?

Hi Dunstan,

I don't know if I'd do that: many people still use www.* URLs, and as you
have noticed, .htaccessing a whole site can be tricky.

I found that some people are very taken aback by the absence of the www.*
prefix. FWIW I chose to keep both types of URLs and not go to the trouble
of removing the www.*

(sorry I didn't reply directly to your question, I wouldn't know how to do
that, and liorean's solution looks as good as any-- and I felt like giving
my opinion anyway ;))

s t e f

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