[thelist] Render speed [Was: Browser compliance]

joe stowaway at uklinux.net
Wed Mar 24 18:56:45 CST 2004

Man, don't even talk to me about Opera!  It doesn't like my session 
variables, so it's therefore fairly low on my priorities.  Expect a post 
in a week or so :)

IE6 renders the pages just fine, notwithstanding the concessions I've 
had to make for its lack of support for min-height, 2px indents in 
adjacent floated boxes, etc. 

What's really bugging me about the gecko engine is that I've compensated 
for the way that it handles floats _correctly_ by collapsing their 
containers, and the proof of this is in the fact it renders correctly 
after refreshing.  I'm loathe to blame it on the engine entirely though, 
because I don't see this behvoiur when browsing other sites in 
Firefox!.  Any notes on this experience would be very welcome.

Richard Harb wrote:

>I've had the same behaviour in Mozilla at some point during
>development. I rewrote parts of the site though so I didn't
>pull the (rest of) my hair out ... But it kept me busy for quite a
>while. Opera / Internet Exploder didn't have those problems. (Though
>IE had/has plenty other issues).
>So, whatever the reasons for this behaviour, I didn't investigate
>extensively and certainly didn't find a reason / solution.

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