[thelist] Javascript & server issue

john at johnallsopp.co.uk john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Sat Mar 27 06:55:30 CST 2004

> john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:
>> I've just moved to a different java host, my pages work perfectly well
>> on
>> the old one.
>> Now on the new host, my pages are only partly served ..
>> <http://www.mykitchen.uk.com/examples.jsp>, you can see it ends with <i
>> when there's a whole lot more to come.
>> In response, the host said "it's your JavaScript,
> !? Are you sure you want your hosting with these people? The same
> symptoms are apparent in Lynx, so I don't think it's the JS. :-)
> It looks like your servlet container's 8k output buffer is getting
> flushed once and the rest of the servlet's execution terminates
> prematurely. If you do a "view info" on your sample pages, they're
> both exactly 8192 bytes -- coincidence? I think not :-)
> What's the current setup and what was your old one?

Thanks Hassan, the problem got fixed when they said I had the wrong path
in a file that every web page used. I've no idea why a wrong path would
cause those symptoms, but there y'go.

Just thought I'd let you know.


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