[thelist] ADO cursor - best solution for count and pagethroughprocedure

Adriano Castro ad at netvisao.pt
Wed Mar 31 08:08:01 CST 2004


    Do you think it's possible to share the code used for these tests?


>Ken said:
> (...)
> I've done some load testing on this. Using 3 client machines, and a
> dual-proc webserver. Two options:
> a) using adOpenStatic + .RecordCount, and .AbsolutePage
> b) using ForwardOnly/GetRows, separate Count(*) query.
> For each of (a) and (b), I used the Orders table in the Northwind
> database,
> and tried 5 pages of 20 records (100 recs total), 5 pages of 100 records
> (500 recs total), and 5 pages of 160 records (800 total). I used a
> randomiser to mix up the column to sort by.
> (...)

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