[thelist] ADO cursor - best solution for count and page throughprocedure

Joshua Olson joshua at waetech.com
Wed Mar 31 09:57:39 CST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adriano Castro
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:39 AM
>     Why does:
>         sql_OfficeList = "SELECT office FROM offices ORDER BY office ASC"
>         set rs_OfficeList = conn.execute(sql_OfficeList)
>         rs_OfficeList_array = rs_OfficeList.GetRows()
>     return a _bidimensional_ array where the first dimension has a size of
> 0 (zero).


I think you may be reinterpreting the results a little.  The 1st dimension
in the 2-dimensional array probably has a UBound of 0, which is to say that
it has a length of 1, which is what we'd expect since you are returning but
one field.

Response.Write rs_OfficeList_array(0)(0)

The previous line should return the value of "office" for the first record.

Joshua Olson
Web Application Engineer
WAE Tech Inc.

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