[thelist] SEO and 404 on Win2k Server

Maximillian Schwanekamp anaxamaxan at neptunewebworks.com
Wed Mar 31 13:03:21 CST 2004

With Apache's mod_rewrite and simple PHP, creating search engine friendly
URLs is easy.  With Windows and classic ASP, it seems that an ISAPI filter
to mimic mod_rewrite is necessary (Googling shows a bunch of them).  Not
having that option available for a particular site, I thought of using a
custom 404 script to emulate that.  The idea is: a link points to
example.com/content/article_title/ which does not physically exist, so the
404.asp gets called, which looks up article_title in the SQL database and
finally uses

My question is, does this work effectively for SEO, or am I just spinning my

<tip author="Maximillian Schwanekamp" type="Testing the server with
Before you start on a website project that will include any PHP scripting,
get the lay of the land by using phpinfo() *first*.  Create a file called
"phpinfo.php" or something similarly descriptive which contains a call to
the function phpinfo();  Keep that somewhere handy, and before you start a
PHP project, upload and view that file in a browser.  You'll get all sorts
of useful info about the server such as enabled modules, configuration
defaults, server and environment variables, and much other goodness useful
in beginning a new project.  If you're moving a PHP site from one server to
another, quickly comparing phpinfo() output for the two servers can help
ensure that your site will behave correctly on the new server.

Maximillian Von Schwanekamp
voice: 541-302-1438
fax: 208-730-6504

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