[thelist] intro and beginner's question!

Richard Harb rharb at earthling.net
Fri Apr 2 10:51:05 CST 2004

Friday, April 2, 2004, 2:49:41 AM, you wrote:

> diane at dianesoini.com 27/03/2004 12:15:28 wrote
>> Also super helpful is to install an 
>> Apache web server on your computer (and install perl, php, and mysql,
>> too) so you can run php locally. 

> Yes obviously a local personal web server is needed to develop PHP...

> I have just uninstalled Apache. It was just too difficult to
> configure and manage, even with the "triad" installer that also
> installed MySQL and PHP at the same time.

Well, I found IIS difficult to install (well not install but to
configure so that it would be reasonably safe ...)

Anyway. I think you might find that URL interesting:

It's a complete Apache, PHP, Perl, mySQL, ...package that has
everything included. Just unzip and run (ok, it helps to read the

Though in the long run I prefer to have my own custom installation
this one does a good job of getting you started.


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