[thelist] ASP RecordSet weirdness

Anthony Baratta anthony at baratta.com
Fri Apr 2 11:40:19 CST 2004

At 07:40 AM 4/2/2004, Tab Alleman wrote:
>Anthony Baratta wrote:
> > In the case that started this thread, all the columns are varChar. So
> > unless Tab is mistaken about the column types, something weird is
> > going on.
>Is there maybe a limit on the amount of data a recordset row can hold?
>The width of all the non-Text/Blob fields is under 8000, but there are a
>couple of Text fields being returned as well.  I'm starting to find some
>other fields that mysteriously lose their data when I access them later
>rather than sooner.

If you were to list all the columns where in the list do the Text Fields 

I would recommend that you re-write the SQL so that you only pull the 
columns you require.

Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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