[thelist] Feeding CSS values to IE5.0 mac only.

Chris Nott cnott at telus.net
Fri Apr 2 16:03:21 CST 2004

Mike said:
> I am working on a layout that looks fine in all the browsers I have
> tested in except IE5.0 mac. I need to feed special values only to IE5.0
> mac. (Everything is fine in IE5.1 mac and so I do not need to target
> that browser.) How might one go about this? I would prefer to keep the
> solution within my CSS stylesheet rather than browser sniffing and so I
> thought about conditional comments. How would you write this?

Conditional comments don't work in IE Mac (only IE PC).  But you still have
a couple options:

1.  <link media="not all" .. /> (see
http://www.dithered.com/css_filters/html_only/link_media_negated.html) which
will apply an external .css file only in Mac IE 4.0 - 5.0, Opera 3.5, and
Konqueror 2.x.

2.  \property: value; (see
which will apply the declaration to all browsers _except_ NS 4.x, Opera
3.5 - 5.x, iCab 2.x, OmniWeb <4.2, and Konqueror (but is limited to
properties whose names do not start with "a" thru "f").

- chris

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