[thelist] Apache and PHP on Win XP: localhost not working

Richard Davey rich at launchcode.co.uk
Tue Apr 6 19:58:11 CDT 2004

Hello PeterV,

Wednesday, April 7, 2004, 1:18:05 AM, you wrote:

P> I've been trying to install Apache 1.3 and PHP on Windows XP.
P> works, but http://localhost doesn't work. My hosts file
P> contains a pointer to localhost. My http.conf file contains ServerName
P> localhost

I have the same set-up as you, here are some parts of my httpd.conf
file which should help - your hosts file is fine.

BindAddress *
Port 80
Listen 80
Listen 9000
ServerAdmin rich at localhost
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "D:/"

NameVirtualHost *

I create development domains as VirtualHosts. For example here is one

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin rich at thegamecreators.com
    DocumentRoot D:/usr/home/fatal2/public_html/launchcode
    ServerName launchcode.dev
    ErrorLog logs/tgc_error
    CustomLog logs/tgc_access common

and I have launchcode.dev in my hosts file pointing to

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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