[thelist] Firefox Plugins - (tip: DOM browsing in Safari)

David Siedband technique at oceanicsky.com
Fri Aug 13 19:41:49 CDT 2004

On Aug 12, 2004, at 7:13 AM, Andy Budd wrote:
> I think I'll stick with Safari for my day-to-day browsing and use 
> Firefox when I want to play around with a sites CSS or burrow into the 
> DOM.

Safari does have a DOM inspector it's just hidden by default...

<tip type="Enabling DOM tools in Safari" author="David Siedband">

Safari has a 'debug' menu with DOM inspector as well as some other cool 
To enable it open terminal.app and enter the following line in the shell

defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1


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