[thelist] ProtWare's HTML Guardian... your thoughts.

Tim Beadle Tim.Beadle at iop.org
Mon Aug 23 07:09:49 CDT 2004

thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org wrote on 23/08/2004 00:33:10:
> I want to encode the ASP files so I can sell/distribute them without 
> being modified.

Just a small point: I downloaded an encrypted ColdFusion custom tag once, 
which on further inspection was coded to send an email to the author every 
time it was invoked! I don't use code add-ons like that any more unless I 
can inspect the code and verify what's going on.

It's a trust issue, as all Open Source/Closed Source issues ultimately 
are. It's not about free vs commercial (in this case). Try opening your 
source code - you might like it! (And others may be able to help you 
improve your code). Nothing prevents you from still charging for your 

Sorry this is a bit OT, and I don't intend to start a flame war, but I 
thought it would be a useful consideration.



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