[thelist] RE: Comparing Arrays in ASP

Peter Brunone (EasyListBox.com) peter at easylistbox.com
Thu Aug 26 16:17:42 CDT 2004

If UBound(Array_A) <> UBound(Array_B) Then
   ' Arrays are different
   ' Do the loop you have below
End If

   In VBScript, Array is classified as a function rather than an object, so there are some limitations.



Original Message:
>From: Rob Smith <rob.smith at THERMON.com>

>I think the long way around this is to apply the tracheotomy axiom:
>If Array_A.count < Array_B.count then
>	arrays are different
>else if Array_A.count > Array_B.count then 
>	arrays are different
>else // arrays are same length, campare each element...
>	for x = 0 to Array_A.count 
>		if not Array_A(x) = Array_B(x) then
>			arrays are different
>			x = Array_A.count
>		end if
>	next
>end if
>Is there a shorter way?

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