[thelist] DHTML menus and frames

Stuart Young syoung at unitec.ac.nz
Thu Aug 26 20:04:01 CDT 2004

They do not, however, come out over the edge of the frames they live
This means that when you've a dhtml menu at the bottom of one frame, it

vanishes "behind" the frame below, without ever being seen. The
question is:

Is there any way, even a theoretical one, to make them appear over the
of the frame?

The answer is probably yes - read the documentation that came with your
DHTML menu. 
It depends which DHTML menu you are using, for example if you are using
hiermenus, you change
isFrames = false
isFrames = true


Dr Stuart Young,       +64 (0)9-815 4321 Ex 8656
<syoung at unitec.ac.nz>     
Lecturer, School of Computing and Information Technology,
Unitec New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand
The official URL for my staffpage is too long and complex

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