[thelist] Re: A trivial html/css problem I can't seem to fix

john at johnallsopp.co.uk john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Sat Aug 28 12:09:52 CDT 2004

>>>/I want a headline that sticks to the top of the page and doesn't wrap
>>> in a
> />>/small screen or with text size set to large. I've tried various ways
> and
> />>/can't seem to get it working in both IE and FireFox. Gizza clue
> someone
> />>/please :-)
> />>/
> />>/See <http://www.johnallsopp.co.uk/testTop/>
> /
>>I'm not exactly sure if this is what you're looking for, but if you're
>>just looking for a CSS alternative to <nobr>, use "white-space: nowrap;".
> And to get rid of the space at the top, I think you should just give the
> <h1> a top margin of zero -- margin-top:0;

Perfect, thank you both. I guess that's the disadvantage of working on
your  own .. one's occasional stupidity is public. Others get to keep
theirs to nearby desks.


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