[thelist] Windows Server 2003 Confusion

Ken Schaefer ken.schaefer at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 18:35:20 CDT 2004

I think these types of questions are beginning to stray off-topic for
the list, and if you're seeking information on these types of things,
you're best off seeking help on a Windows systems administration list.

a) Is there any reason you need to use a logon script, and that needs
to be a .vbs file? Mapping drive letters can be done using a .bat file
(net use) -and- if you use Group Policy Objects (GPOs) you can assign
these scripts to groups of users rather than setting this one user at
a time

b) Is there any reason you want to use roaming profiles rather than

Both profiles, and logon scripts date back to NT days. If you have
Windows NT clients, then that's what you have to use. But if you have
Windows 2000 and Windows XP Pro clients then I personally think you
are better off using Group Policy objects.

I can send you some instructions on setting up logon scripts and
profiles if that's what you really want (I will send these offlist due
to size - let me know).


On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:58:56 +0300, Burhan Khalid <thelist at meidomus.com> wrote:
> Greetings Everyone:
>   First off, I'm not a Windows Server guy, just know my way around
> them.
>   So we have a Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition server, and I have set
> it up properly for Active Directory (as a domain controller) and print
> and file server. Added all computers in the office, created accounts for
> all users, and even added my two linux boxes successfully.
>   Now I'm stuck on something simple that I can't seem to google.  I
> need to implement two things (a) roaming profiles (b) logon script. I
> already know what the script will do (and I have one that I want to
> use). I'm just stuck on where to put it. From the documentation I've
> read it states to put the path to the script in the Profile section of
> the user account in the AD.  Does this script need to be on the server,
> or on the client computer?  The script is simple - map h: to home, map
> z: to the application repository, map y: to the references share, and
> setup the default printer. Can't get it to work. If I set the home
> directory "manually" (ie, in the profile section) it works great. I've
> tried putting the file in the NETLOGON directory on the server, but
> really not sure where its supposed to go.  All stations are Windows XP
> Professional. Do I need to install Windows Scripting Host (?) if my
> logon script is .vbs?
>  Second issue is with the roaming profiles.  I created two directories
> in F:\ Profiles, and F:\Homes. Both are shared. In profiles, I've
> manually created directories for each user (ie, Jim, Bob, etc.) Given
> the user all rights, and Domain Users only "read" rights.  In the user
> profile screen, I have the profile directory as
> \\Servername\Profiles\Jim. This is not working. Whenever I logon as jim
> to the domain server -- the logon process takes a very long time --
> finally a window pops up that the roaming profile cannot be found, and a
> default profile will be created and used. Next there is a long pause
> after which a window pops up -- a local profile cannot be created, you
> will be logged on using a temproary profile. The user is logged in, but
> there are no mapped drives.
>  Can someone please enlighten me?
> <tip type="unix editors" author="Burhan Khalid">
>  Looking for a good vim-based IDE? Try cream
>  from http://cream.sf.net
>  Its not really a true "IDE", but rather a heavily
>  customized version of gvim.
> </tip>

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