[thelist] google droped my http: page

Aaron Wormus aaron at wormus.com
Thu Sep 2 20:13:44 CDT 2004

Joshua Olson wrote:

> http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=219744
> In a nutshell, they penalize domains where the content is too similar (aka
> duplicate) to that of another domain.  Your best bet would be to only have
> one version of the site, and redirect calls to the other domains to it.  Eg,
> all calls to http://domain.com get redirected to http://www.domain.com, or
> visa versa.

You're not being penalized, it's just that people are linking to the 
'www' version of the URL, and google is awarding that site pagerank. 
Google won't penalize unless you REALLY, REALLY push it. You can still 
get away with a lot.

I have sites which people link to both the http://sitename.com and the 
http://www.sitename.com versions and google gives different pageranks.

Google's reindexing can also cause dramatic shifts in your PR. I had 
6/10 PR pages get reduced to 0, without being penalized. Nothing to 
worry about.

Aaron Wormus

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